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Justin Trudeau appeared at news conference with bandage on forehead

Aug 10, 2023

A spokesperson said the Prime Minister bumped his head while he was playing with his kids

NOTE: This story was published on August 1, before the separation was announced

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared at a news conference Monday with a bandage in the middle of his forehead.

A spokesperson for Trudeau says he bumped his head while he was playing with his kids over the weekend. Alison Murphy says the prime minister is fine, and is excited to be on the road connecting with Canadians this week.

Trudeau’s itinerary for Sunday said he was taking some personal time in Ottawa. His office wouldn’t disclose what activity resulted in the bump.

Trudeau appeared with the circular bandage during a visit to Hamilton, where he announced spending of $64 million by the federal government and the city to build and repair 214 homes in the area.

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